It is difficult to imagine living with learning difficulties like Dyslexia. Students have struggled in school because of Dyslexia or other reasons. Dyspraxia has also caught the attention of many who are researching the topic itself. Get a new perspective on both Dyspraxia and Dyslexia by those who are affected. The topic is being debated among those in the know conducting the research about it.
Despite Dyslexia or Dyspraxia, people still need to move on with their lives. It is possible to minimize the effects of both Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. People have gone on to accomplish great things in school and elsewhere. It is important to talk about how these issues affect student performance and parents have taken an interest in how they can help their children’s improvement.
Author Quote “Dyspraxia is a physical coordination disorder in children.”

Key Takeaways:

Dyspraxia affects about 10% of people in the UK and is known to run in families.
Dyspraxia is often identified between the ages of 7 and 10. It is a developmental disorder.
Dyspraxia affects motor skills. Children with it can have trouble getting dressed or being able to use a fork and spoon.

Living with Dyspraxia & Dyslexia

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