Submitted by Precious on 2023-05-02 12:31


In addition, parents may inadvertently undermine their child's confidence by overpraising them or constantly comparing them to others. While praise and recognition are important, it's essential to ensure that the praise is specific and based on genuine...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2023-05-02 06:00


Children need confidence to grow. As they develop new skills and grow, believing in themselves and their ability to learn is vital. Affirmations are an effective and simple way to enhance the confidence in our children. It is believed that affirmations provide a...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2023-05-02 05:47


If you parent or care for an anxious child, this infographic will help you understand them better. There are different types of anxiety disorders like separation anxiety, social anxiety, OCD, selective mutism, and all the way to PTSD. Anxiety may manifest in different ways, and...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2023-05-01 01:11


Knowing how to spell is important for three reasons: Communication: Spelling is a vital component of communication. Literacy: Spelling and reading skills are goes hand in hand to help develop overall literacy. Employment: Spelling quality is an important factor in employment...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2023-05-01 00:56


Children with dyslexia require 32% larger type sizes of letter font than what their non-Dyslexic peers need to achieve their maximum reading speeds. Dyslexic children can read 27% faster when the text lines featured a smaller number of...

Submitted by Precious on 2023-04-29 17:20

Miranda:  "Carla, my son's reading is still so bad. I'm about to lose it. I can't believe it. He's been struggling with reading for years, and no matter how much tutoring he gets, it seems like he's not making any progress. His reading scores are...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2023-04-28 01:10


What can parents do to make their children good readers? Good readers actively participate in the story and by identifying with the characters. Children need to visualize what is happening, follow the events of the story and anticipate what will happen next. A...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2023-04-28 01:58


As parents, we want to know what our children did when they were not with us. We want them to communicate with us so here are some fun questions of the day that you can ask your kids. These questions will help them express their thoughts and feelings and will them...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2023-04-26 22:11


The teachers are the ones who help in shaping the lives of future generations by enhancing their skills and encouraging them to pursue their dream. This infographic shows just the value of teachers. It also highlights the true amount of time teachers spend...

Submitted by Judy Hanning on 2023-04-26 22:19


Smart reading is a capability that every student should learn how to develop through using a set of strategies in their reading and analyzing of texts. It is about understanding what to read, when to read, and how to read it. Smart reading is a...

