ADHD shouldn’t make you feel intimidated by dating. You should be open and honest with your partner. Everyone with ADHD has challenges. You can be forgetful. Everybody with ADHD is different. Some have worse cases than others. Understanding and communication is the key to supporting each other. Ask for help when you need it.

As if navigating the world of romance wasn’t tricky enough, managing relationships when you have ADHD adds an extra layer of complexity. Of course, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done — in fact, most things in life that are really worth doing require extra effort and yield the greatest rewards.
~Julie Sprankles

Easy to-dos make ADHD more manageable than believed.

If you start to forget to take your medicine, you could set timers or ask your partner for help. If you are starting a new relationship with someone let them know about your ADHD. Take time to talk and listen to each other. Focus on your ADHD first and get it under control.

Key Takeaways:

You should be honest and open with your partner.
Your partner is probably dealing with his/her own issues while you are struggling with your ADHD.
Two people with ADHD may learn things differently.

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