The article is all about the side affect of stimulant and non stimulant drugs. It breaks down these side affects between the two types of drugs, stimulant drugs versus non stimulant drugs. These side effects include many wide ranging and widely variant affects, based on dosage, frequency of use, and the individual’s physical characteristics.

The right ADHD medication can make life much easier for children and adults who have attention deficit disorder. But medications can also cause severe side effects; including headaches, sleep problems, and a blunted appetite.

The constant debate is over stimulant and non-stimulant medications.

The article also slightly covers beta blockers such a strattera. It shows how they can be sedated during the daytime, but helps ADHD patients. The article goes on to show different way to help reduce these affects. It also outlines ways to deal with the effects of the drugs if you are not able to stop the effects entirely, including many different coping mechanisms.

Key Takeaways:

Children who are prescribed medicine for ADHD have to tolerate many of the same side effects as hard drug abusers.
The medication can cause nervous tics, loss of appetite, as well as sleeplessness.
Symptoms like trouble sleeping and lack of appetite can potentially hinder a child’s health and development.

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