If you’ve ever felt bored running your business, there’s a good chance that you might have ADHD. Many entrepreneurs have ADHD, such as Richard Branson and JetBlue founder David Neeleman, and both feel as though ADHD has strengthened their successes in the business world. Some studies even suggest that all entrepreneurs may have at least a few symptoms of ADHD.

Boredom is a symptom in adults and children with ADHD.

However, while having ADHD may contribute to your success as an entrepreneur, it might also lower your company’s value. Data indicates that people who run their businesses for longer before selling get more and higher offers because of the short-term mindset associated with ADHD, selling your company early may, in fact, lower its value. If you are unwilling to invest a decade or more in each business you start, consider starting many and selling them early to attain your wealth.

Key Takeaways:

A large number of entrepreneurs have ADHD, but having ADHD can also be detrimental to your company’s value.
People who have ADHD tend to get bored more quickly, which will often translate to entrepreneurs with ADHD selling their businesses after a shorter period of time.
However, studies have found that businesses that have run for longer get higher buying offers, meaning that selling quickly could reduce your company’s value.

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