What do you know about ADHD? Chances are you might have a general idea about what it is or that it might affect someone that you know but there is much more to what ADHD is that is not seen above the surface. In fact, those that are being diagnosed with ADHD are raising in numbers over the past few years.

ADD and ADHD is two different disorders.

At one time ADHD was different from ADD, one including having hyperactivity and one did not. Now they are both considered as a part of ADHD. Medical professionals are defining diagnoses by the severity as mild, moderate or severe and then labeling its presentation. A presentation can be an inattentive type, hyperactive-impulsive type or a combined type.

Key Takeaways:

In the past few years, the numbers of those that have been diagnosed with ADHD have increased by over 3 percent.
Where there used to be a difference between ADD and ADHD now everything is medically defined as ADHD whether there is the hyperactivity present or not.
There are symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that are still in the same category of ADHD but at different levels.

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