Symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are presented differently in women, and that’s becoming quite a problem that is quietly disrupting adult women’s lives. Many believe that women are not being properly diagnosed with ADHD because there is a tendency to expect women to multi-task at a higher and greater level than men.

Around 38 percent of adults who are diagnosed with adult ADHD are women; however, the number is probably higher because of the inability to properly diagnose women and the stereotype that women are able to multitask at a much higher and better level than men.

Women show different symptoms when it comes to ADHD.

Because there is a phantom demographic of about six million people living with ADHD and even a stigma about having it if you’re a woman, some people are trying to change that. The Kaleidoscope Society is a group of women living with ADHD that encourages empowerment and speaking out about the stereotypes and stigma surrounding women with it.

Key Takeaways:

Thirty-eight percent of those with ADHD are women.
Women are horribly under diagnosed when it comes to ADHD.
The symptoms in males and females differ making the stereotype look accurate while in fact it is not.

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