Most people with ADD are now placed as part of ADHD. As such they may have questions regarding how to live with this disorder. If they were diagnosed with an inattentive form of ADHD and if they have specific questions how to cope with it, this is the place to go.

ADHD definition

Here, people diagnosed with ADHD will be able to ask questions on how to cope with ADHD in less broad ways, where the community of other users, who are either suffering from the disease, raising a child with it, or experiencing it on a daily basis, may be able to help others understand how to deal with specific situations: sleeping, drug use and social interactions.

Key Takeaways:

If you have ADD, you were probably diagnosed with the inattentive type, and this site is for those types of people.
If you believe you have ADD, here, you can get support, ask questions and share your stories.
Ask as specific of questions as you can as it pertains to your own personal life and experience so we can help you to the best of our abilities.

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