Living with ADHD can be very difficult. Having the inability to concentrate on even simple tasks at various times has been very taxing for Courtney Zenner. She has lived all of her life with ADHD, and the symptoms affected not only her school work, but also her ability to pay attention on the basketball court.

I couldn’t pay attention at basketball practice either. My coach would always yell at me for getting distracted, but it was something I couldn’t help. During my sophomore year of high school, my mom began to notice my symptoms as well.
~The Collegiate Staff

Adderall helps a student focus and a good night’s sleep.

Courtney has been able to increase her focus over the years by taking a medication called Aderall. Aderall is a stimulant that stimulates increased focus and concentration. Zenner also takes a natural supplement called Melatonin to sleep at night. Courtney Zenner has not allowed her difficulty with ADHD to slow her down.

Key Takeaways:

Side effects of stimulant medication for ADHD can be harmful and disorienting.
When ADHD students become adults, they often opt out of medication and try to cope using more natural methods.
Stimulants can be effective during earlier school years.

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