Get to know the musical “Hamilton” and some of the tropes that it will introduce. People are waiting to see whether the musical show is well received by the critics. It is set during the American Revolutionary War and should capture the imagination of attendees. It has already been well received during an initial run for those interested.

Biographies are good for literacy learning.

Get deeply involved with American Revolutionary War history and what it entails. Read the biographies of the Founding Fathers who were involved along the way. Ben Franklin is a great role model and leading figure of those times. People like to dress up as their favorite Founding Father for various events.

Key Takeaways:

Some children learn best by “doing” with a hand on approach.
Regardless of the situation, sometimes the outside stimuli can be too overwhelming for a child with ADHD.
There are certain things that can tame a child, in this case for this child it was Hamilton.

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