Courtney Larkin teaches 11th and 12th grade special education math at Greece High School, and knew from a young age that she wanted to be a teacher. Her students have low IQs and cannot meet Common Core standards, but still work hard at learning the math concepts that Ms Larkin teaches.

Ms. Larkin’s 11th and 12th grade special education students are learning tough math concepts through the hit ABC show, Dancing with the Stars.
~Amy Hudak

Math teacher uses Dancing with the Stars to teach special education students

Ms. Larkin uses Dancing with the Stars to teach concepts like multiplication, division, and averages, by following the scores of the contestants. She says that the students relate to the show and engage well in the lessons; Star Derek Hough even recorded a special message for the class, in which he explained how he uses math in his choreography.

Key Takeaways:

Courtney Larkin, who teaches math to special education 11th and 12th grade students, is using Dancing with the Stars in her classroom.
Ms. Larkin teachers her students concepts like multiplication, averages, and predictions by following contestants’ scores on the show.
Star Derek Hough even recorded a surprise message for the class.

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