What does an unlucky penny and math have in common? Do you have a guess? I couldn’t seem to put the two together until after reading this article. An unlucky penny and bad ideas are something that keeps coming back according to this author, in fact the bad idea is the constant revamping of math ideas and how to teach math.

When learning a new skill, it’s best to master a single, simple approach before being exposed to other more complex methods. Otherwise, you run the risk of confusion, frustration and ultimately not learning how to solve the problem.
~Steven Singer

Common Core is teaching students while reteaching teachers.

It seems that the new way of doing math or the common core standard as many schools have taken to calling this new way of doing math, suggests that we teach math by teaching how to find the answer rather than just the manipulation of numbers. To learn more about the common core and how this author finds it as just another bad idea when it comes to teaching math, read more in this article.

Key Takeaways:

Common Core math aims to fix problems in the way students are learning math, but is full of problems itself.
Requiring students to pursue alternate options of solving problems can lead to confusion.
Common Core math resembles a math model in the 1960’s called “New Math” that was a complete failure, and so it should be revised.

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