What role does genetics play in determining a person’s mathematics aptitude? It’s a complex and perplexing question that is the classic nature versus nurture debate. Genes influence how the brain develops and thus has a strong influence on a person’s potential in any given area of academics. And there are numerous genes known to be associated with mathematics and reading ability.

Most people aren’t concerned about whether or not their children will have what it takes to become pioneering mathematicians. But many parents do worry about how their kids will handle a world that is increasingly dominated by technology and science.
~David Warmflash

Genetics role in math aptitude is a clouded mystery

However, environmental factors also play a role in brain development. Factors like having a poor, competent or an exceptional mathematics teacher and whether the home environment is encouraging or detrimental play roles in brain development and mathematics aptitude. Ultimately, it is difficult to quantify the role genetics ultimately play in a thinking process, since the brain continues to develop after birth and the genetic predisposition is heavily influenced by environmental factors.

Key Takeaways:

John Nash, a math genius with a movie based on him, spiraled into paranoia and schizophrenia.
Genes may factor in the way someone learns and excels in mathematics.
Having a good math teacher as well as classroom morale may override a learner’s difficulty with math.

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