
This article talks about Dyscalculia,a Maths oriented Dyslexia.People who are affected by this will not be able to perform timed testing of maths.The article also has an example of how a Dyscalculia affected student was not given a chance to perform the test under one to one supervision without any time limits.

Do You Need help with a Dyscalculia Difficulty?

Our simple online analysis will help you get to the core of the problem and find the right solution for you.

Understanding how to help someone with a learning difficulty starts with understanding which micro-skills are affected. When you learn which of the micro-skills is the problem, you will then be on your way to solving it.

You'll also learn how to:

  • Build confidence
  • Enhance Learning ability
  • Eliminate avoidance
  • Build grit

You can get this analysis for free by filling out this simple form. This will help you get to the bottom of a learning difficulty and provide you with a solution. If you are ready to put this problem behind you click the button below and fill out the form.