Jobs in Science, technology, engineering, and math will continue to grow into the future. Having students who are prepared to take on these jobs is vitally important to our economy. To help foster this, the American Farmers Grow Rural Education program is giving grants to rural school systems to foster these STEM classes.

To help K-12 educators enhance their STEM curriculum, the America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education program, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, will once again provide farmers with the opportunity to nominate their local public schools for opportunities to receive $10,000 and $25,000 grants.
~Monsanto Fund

Farmers Education program award grants to schools to improve their STEM programs.

A benefit to these grants is more opportunity for small school systems to improve their STEM programs and provide better educational opportunities. Another is the excitement that it fosters in the students resulting in better enrollment and retention in these programs. The Farmers Education program is helping to ensure the success of the next generation of students.

Key Takeaways:

The America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education program provides grants to schools enabling them to improve STEM programs.
Schools that have previously won the grants point to improved scores and better understanding of science, technology, engineering and math among students district wide.
Community members can make nominations until April of 2017.

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