Many young students today face anxiety with learning Math. With Test Talk, a way where a teacher uses the first five minutes to go over and have students plan out their test, show that the kids have improved. Students can work together to overcome hardships and areas that they are having trouble with. It allows kids to open up and gain valuable skills along the way. In turn, this builds their confidence and improves how they feel about taking tests.

The Way to Lessens Math Problem Tension.

I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I’ve had my fair share of experiences where I question absolutely everything I know in the few minutes before a test. The five-minute Test Talk gives me an opportunity to double- or triple-check my uncertainties with my classmates to give me more confidence and to settle my nerves before taking a test. I don’t see it as an opportunity to try and learn something brand-new right before the test, but more as a chance to briefly collaborate about what I’ve already s

Key Takeaways:

Test Talk is able to help students relax during test.
Test talk is having students look over the test for the first five minutes and talk about how to solve the problems.
Most students and teachers love the idea of test talk.

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