Math education in Australia is suffering from a complex array of problems. These problems start with a lack of qualified math teachers, which forces teachers who are less proficient in math education to teach math courses. This contributes to increased regulation in how math is taught and how students are assessed, with teachers often running into conflicts between their students' abilities and the assessment tools, which are often created before the school year even starts. There is also an eroding sense of collaboration between student and teacher, due to practices that put distance between the two. Finally, there is also a lack of success in more advanced math classes, as they are rarely offered due to lack of qualified faculty and when offered, are taught in a way that greatly limits the chance of student success.

Teachers are fed up - creates new issues

Our classrooms are overwhelmingly influenced by this inappropriate level of difficulty, resulting in many students failing to complete, or even start, courses of which they may be quite capable.

Key Takeaways:

There's no systemic respect for teachers.
Students only enjoy a subject if the teacher is passionate about it.
There is a serious lack of qualified math teachers

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