Louisiana is working to move students into science and math fields where possible. That big push is getting underway in schools across the state too. Teachers and parents are proud of the work that students put into their education. That has resulted in some great successes in many classrooms in their educational system.

Hewitt, who sponsored the bill that set up the council, said a high school survey showed that while 52 percent of high school students have an interest in STEM fields, only 14 percent are considered STEM-ready based on test results.
~Will Sentell

Louisiana is stepping up their STEM curriculum.

Men now account for 33% of STEM graduates in the Louisiana school system. People want to take part in important programs related to both math and science. Students have shown a lot of interest and remain dedicated in their own right. A council is meeting to discuss STEM education in schools, but no statewide program currently exists.

Key Takeaways:

Louisiana is about to launch a new bid to elevate one of the hottest fields in education, and improve on the dismal number of women in science, technology, engineering and math.
The goal is to boost student interest in science, technology, engineering and math.
It will spell out objectives in STEM education and career opportunities, and align elementary, secondary and postsecondary curricula and programs.

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