Did you know that when it comes to math skills, Latino students lag behind their classmates by about three months? All hope is not lost; however, there are ways that teachers, guardians, parents and caretakers can start closing the gap. In fact, even policy makers can help lessen the great divide.

Latino children trail behind their white peers by about 3 months when it comes to math skills, and researchers associate this with increased poverty. But there are ways that parents, caregivers and teachers – as well as policy makers and legislators – can work to narrow the gap.

Caretakers should fill the gap that teachers leave in learning.

Parents can always incorporate the learning of math skills in everyday activities found at home. A recently released report also urged that teachers be given the newest, up-to-date tools to be used in their class room to make math more accessible and fun. Finally, increasing enrollment in center-based day care or after school programs can also help.

Key Takeaways:

Researchers have found that Latino children are up to 3 months behind their peers in math.
This difference is attributed to increased poverty.
Increasing evidence has shown that these differences can be accounted for with the proper educational support.

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