An annual math and science expo have attracted top talent from the schools. Middle school-aged children have shown up to tour the booths that are set in place. No matter what profession they choose, middle school students can enjoy the topics introduced by math itself. The event organizers say its important to keep students engaged with math.

Students presented projects based on topics of their interest, and volunteers gave constructive feedback for future research. Organizers say it’s important to get all students involved in science and math.
~Troy Neumann

Math and Science expos are bridging the gap.

The expo might just be the spark that keeps students on track to succeed. They may grow up and become successful scientists in their own right as well. There may be students who go into other professions as well. The expo is the right option for students who want to learn more too.

Key Takeaways:

Middle school students in one local school are learning the importance of math and science in the world.
The students presented information about the topics of their choice and volunteers gave feedback for future research.
While this might not want them to go into a career in these fields, it might spark interest.

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