Year after year teachers are constantly learning themselves. This summer was no different for teachers in North Carolina where over 200 teachers spend the summer training in math. These teachers were training to teach high school math in a completely new way for the upcoming school year. They were learning to teach the classes with a new integrated approach with new standards that were set at the start of the summer.

But a few years ago, North Carolina adopted Common Core standards, which integrated the subjects over three levels: Math 1, 2 and 3. Teachers say it’s been confusing because there was never a starting or stopping point for teaching certain concepts which overlapped each course.
~Litsa Pappas

North Carolina teachers spend summer learning about new math initiative.

After a survey was done, they took all 800 responses and incorporated this into the teaching styles. Before the students in the schools there were taught classes at different individual classes like Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Geometry. When the schools adopted the common core way of teaching, they switched to Math 1, Math 2 and Math 3.

Key Takeaways:

North Carolina has instigated a new way of teaching math to high-school students, with a more integrated approach.
The new program combines separate subjects like algebra or trigonometry into cohesive levels called Math 1, 2, and 3, so students no longer learn the same subjects in different classes and struggle with multiple textbooks.
Teachers spent the summer learning how to teach math according to the new program.

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