Photomath, a new math equation solving app, allows students to take pictures of an equation and receive step-by-step instructions on how to solve it. The app recognizes handwritten or typed equations and is available for IOS devices and soon for Android devices. The app has already been downloaded 36 million times and ranks in the top 5 education apps nationwide.

Version 3.0 of Photomath, available now for iOS and soon-to-be-available for Android devices for free, enables students to take photos of their handwritten math equations and receive step-by-step instructions for solving the problem.
~Sri Ravipati

Photomath can solve problems through the simple use of a camera.

Students often have problems solving math equations on their own and thanks to a new app, Photomath, they don’t have to. The Photomath app allows students to take a picture of their handwritten equation and receive step-by-step instructions for solving that equation. The app is already very popular and has enjoyed 36 million downloads so far!

Key Takeaways:

Photomath helps students solve equations easily by taking a picture.
Photomath has recently released an update that better helps guide learners through equations.
Photomath consistently ranks in the top 5 educational apps in the US.

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