Scottish maths and science scores have fallen to their all-time lowest marks. The curriculum might be too busy and the people who are in charge of it do not know how to make one. The students who have taken the tests have not been getting good marks and tons of people are playing the blame game, or looking for solutions on the issue. Math is a subject where Americans are struggling a lot in as well.

MSPs Spar Over Scotland's Falling Education Rankings

They revealed that Scotland has dropped significantly in the two subjects, though it jumped up the rankings for reading. In 2018, Scotland achieved a mean score of 504 for reading, up from 493 in 2015, 489 for maths, down from 491 in 2015, and 490 for science, down from 497 in 2015.

Key Takeaways:

Based on 600,000 15-year-olds from across the world, Scottish students dropped performance in math and science significantly.
More interventions in the education sector need to be made for improved performance.
The nearby UK scored higher in math relative to Scotland

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