Just for a moment, think about how often you use a keyboard on any given day. Now, think about how often you use handwriting. While you might be able to complete most everything through technology there are some matters that require that you use handwriting. Schools now are not teaching handwriting like they use to.

These skills – discipline, self-expression, note-taking – are just as relevant today as when I was in school, and current research also shows that learning cursive develops hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Cursive handwriting takes discipline as an art.

The value of cursive handwriting instills both discipline and self-expression. While these two items don’t always go hand in hand it is important in handwriting to pay attention to detail but you can develop your own way to write based upon the rules. These skills also include hand and eye coordination. To learn more, check out this article.

Key Takeaways:

The values for cursive handwriting include discipline and self-expression even in a world of technology.
Recent research shows that learning cursive handwriting develops hand-eye coordination and my motor skills.
Since handwriting skills are relevant in today’s world this school system has added a new guide to the elementary schools to teach handwriting.

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