Poor handwriting is always a disappointment for many people out there. They want to do their best and make their handwriting something valuable for anyone following. Great cursive handwriting is a sign of true patients by the person writing. But bad handwriting could be a potential disaster for anyone in a job. It is a sign that they are not paying attention to their handwriting.

Handwriting remains the most cogent vehicle for personal expression. If we let the skill lapse, we all lose out.
~David Butterfield

Cursive writing is attempting to make a full comeback.

Cursive is often taught to school children who want to improve their style. It has a distinctive flourish to it that cannot be denied by readers. People want to make a name for themselves using some sort of creative art form. Cursive is a great choice that will make people better writers overall. That is why it should be reinstated as a new discipline once it is debated.

Key Takeaways:

Good hand writing showcases that a person has patience and diligence. Attention to detail is a must for anyone picking up the cursive handwriting option.
Finland is a great example of a smart country when it comes to schooling. They have given up on handwriting and have moved on to computer instruction.
Bad penmanship could be a reflection of a person’s character as well. Some might be described bad penmanship as an embarrassment to all reading it.

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