While the cause of dyslexia is not fully known, it can often be passed down from generation to generation. This video features Marlo Payne Thurman studying her own family's multigenerational dyslexia. Thurman's son, father, and brother all have dyslexia in some form. She studies how dyslexia affects each of them individually. Thurman hopes to decipher some of the complexities of the disorder and address common misconceptions.

Watch the video here.

Dyslexia is 3 to 4 times more common in individuals with a higher than average intelligence. In this particular case, everyone was an inefficient reader, but had exceptional comprehension. The actual act of reading is difficult for them. However, they are excellent at understanding and predicting the story of what they're reading. Meanwhile, visual, spatial, and context memory are strong, but were used in compensation. As evidenced by Thurman’s case study, it seems that some of the ideas we have about dyslexia aren't entirely accurate.

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Abstract language and reasoning is a strength for the three members in this case study.

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia is 3 to 4 times more common in individuals with higher than average intelligence.
One of the key findings about the study is that the respondents are all inefficient readers with exceptional comprehension.
Visual, spatial, and context memory are strong, but are used in compensation.
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