Becoming What You Want
A dyslexic filmmaker has shown that you can achieve what you want if you are struggling with dyslexia. There are a lot of different jobs out there that people can excel at with dyslexia. A man named Trevor worked a lot of different jobs and finally found a job that he liked a lot. He worked hard to achieve what he wanted. He delivered content online and eventually, he found his way into the world of film making.
We have basically video and live stream content for all the competitors online.

Key Takeaways:

There are many positive career paths that can be good for special needs.
There are a multitude of creative jobs that people with dyslexia can attain.
Trevor is a man who works in media for a living and he lives with dyslexia.

Dyslexic Filmmaker (Dyslexic Career Journeys) (Trevor)

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