Now, with greater awareness, it is easier to pick up and children are encouraged to feel happy about being different. It is crucial that teachers understand dyslexia while at the same time having expectations for the child instead of the approach ‘we won’t ask you to do the spelling test because you are never going to learn to spell.
~Catherine Shanahan

Dyslexia can be a superpower given the right resources.

Some people have mild dyslexia and others have severe cases. One-third of evaluations they do are with adults who didn’t get identified as having dyslexia as children. Many people go through the entire education system unrecognized and undiagnosed. It’s important to get dyslexia identified early and get children the support and intervention they need.

Key Takeaways:

Margaret Rooke’s book on dyslexia will feature one of the children, Ryan from Kildare, who is 12 years old.
Few books on dyslexia feature children themselves.
Some children with dyslexia express a big desire to help others with dyslexia and want to be teachers.

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