Many people are aware that dyslexia is a common disorder that causes difficulties in reading and spelling. But sometimes it takes going straight to the source to know exactly what it's like to have this disorder. This video features Calum Walker, a ten year old boy who shares his experiences with dyslexia, and what it means to struggle with it. Though Calum has struggled significantly with his dyslexia and self-confidence, he notes that he enjoys the benefits that come with it, too. 

Some of the advantages of having dyslexia that he notes are being creative and good at solving complex problems. In fact, Calum lists some famous creative people who have been noted as having dyslexia, such as Keanu Reeves, Cher, Muhammad Ali, Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, and Steven Spielberg. This unique perspective on dyslexia surely must be encouraging to others that are struggling.

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I am lucky to have dyslexia. You see the crescent, I see the whole of the moon!

Key Takeaways:

The common areas of difficulties experienced by dyslexics are in reading, spelling, understanding instructions,slower pace of learning.
Some of the advantages of having dyslexia are being creative and good at solving complex problems.
Among the famous dyslexics are Jennifer Aniston, Keanu Reeves, Cher, Muhammad Ali, Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Steven Spielberg, Roald Dahl and others.

Calum Walker Dyslexia Story

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