Macquarie University’s, Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders, have discovered that reading out loud to a child and helps them to be ready for reading the words spoken to them. Neuropsychologist, Signy Wegener, has proven that when a child hears a word spoken, it helps them to learn how to read them.

Parents should be actively talking to their children as well as reading to them if they want to boost their literacy skills, a study from Macquarie University has found.

Ms. Weaver employed a highly specialized eye-tracking technology that determined when a child hears a word spoken; it prepares them to read that word. The research has been published in the Journal of Developmental Science. Finally, someone has proven that a bedtime story does more than provide bonding time; it actually helps your child get ready to excel in the future.
Researchers from the Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders have for the first time demonstrated the link between hearing words and being able to read them.
~ABC (Australian)

Key Takeaways:

A new study has found that parents should talk to their children as well as read to them if they want to boost their children’s literacy.
The study has found for the first time a link between hearing words and being able to read them.
Experts say that the study confirms the importance of teaching oral vocabulary to children.

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