Ashley Jacobs’ film, D for Dyslexia chronicles problems of dyslexia through the experiences of those who have the learning disability. By utilizing footage from interviews with dyslexic people, viewers receive a practical perspective on the true challenges associated with the condition. Thus, the video provides authentic sources of information for all to see.
Additional, Jacobs utilizes interview footage from learning specialists who have expertise in dyslexia to provide context to the problem. The experts in the video explain how the problems manifest in the human brain and how it impacts a person’s ability to process phonological information. From this video, viewers will learn that dyslexia is a complicated problem that requires significant study to understand.
Author “The words tend to scrunch together and make a blur.”

Key Takeaways:

The video chronicles personal experiences with the problem of dyslexia.
Many dyslexics share their personal stories of their struggles as they attempt to learn in the classroom.
Dyslexia is a disorder that impacts the ability to understand chronological auditory and visual information.


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