Many people assume Dyslexia affects people in the same way, but there are different forms of this learning difficulty. For Emma King, an award winning mathematician, basic arithmetic can prove to be difficult. She finds more complex equations, like Algebra to be easier than simple addition. Emma’s form of Dyslexia is known as dyscalculia.
Emma has different ways to cope with her difficulty on a day to day basis. She “takes notes on absolutely everything.” Pencil and paper are her allies when trying to solve a math problem. She works better with symbols than actual numbers. Even though she is a mathematician, Emma uses a tutor to help. She is proof that even good things can come from difficulty.
Is it possible to have trouble with basic calculations and arithmetic but excel at higher math? Answer: YES.
~Fernette Eide

Key Takeaways:

Dyscalculia causes difficulties in mathematics but a mathematician is winning the battle against this challenge.
Emma King is a mathematician who has a PHD and does not let this struggle affect her passion in a negative way.
Emma is an inspiration for anyone who suffers from dyscalculia in that it doesn’t matter what stands in your way, you can overcome.

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