Being diagnosed with dyslexia can change a person’s life. Dyslexia Week is October 3 – October 7. As usual, organizers hope to raise awareness of the challenge in hope of identifying people with dyslexia at an earlier age. The valuable website has received many inquiries over the years from people who have been diagnosed with the challenge and watched their lives improve as they received treatment.
Early diagnosis is particular important for young children so they can understand why they are struggling with reading and writing as compared to some of their peers who find the subjects easier for them. Once they understand why they are struggling, it can boost their flagging confidence and self- esteem. The awareness week will focus on a new topic every day.
Dyslexia Action Chief Executive Stephen Hall said: “It is so important to identify dyslexia as it helps children to understand why they are finding learning more difficult than their peers, this in turn can bolster their confidence and self-esteem. It is also extremely important for adults as it can help them access the right support they need in the workplace and in their daily lives.
~Stephen Hall

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexia Awareness Week is from October third 3rd through the 7th.
Identification of dyslexia is the key for the students to understand why they may have more learning trouble than their peers.
Early identification of dyslexia will help the student to develop cognitively in the long run.

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