Twelve-Year-Old Jasmine shares her story about the struggles she had with dyslexia and how it has shaped her personally. She explains that learning how to read was an incredibly foreign experience for her, because none of the information made sense to her. As a consequence, she felt isolated in the classroom.
In addition to the isolation created by this learning deficit, Jasmine explains that her classmates also contributed to the cause, as she was frequently bullied over her problems. Such isolation contributes to problems with self-confidence and self-advocacy, which are important foundations in overcoming the challenges brought on by the condition of dyslexia.
Author “It was the best school that I had ever been in and it helped with my dyslexia…” “The way we did it was by playing, by a game, or by funny writing.”

Key Takeaways:

The video shows a speech given by a young pupil who has struggled with dyslexia.
In her speech, the young lady shares how she handled the challenges that she faced in the classroom due to her dyslexia.
The young girl shares how a dyslexic person sees in the classroom.

Dyslexia for the Wise (Dyslexia Information Event in Wandsworth 2016)

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