Dealing all her life with dyslexia, Mollie King has been transparent on how it has affected her life and career. Working as a DJ on BBC Radio One, Mollie is aware of the condition daily as she must-read text over the airwaves while trying to anticipate how dyslexia will affect her interpretation of what she reads. Occasionally she might make a mistake and a word comes out slightly wrong. Mollie maintains that a learning difference such as dyslexia should never hold a person back from their goals. Mollie believes in brushing it off and moving one. Given that her job involves being on the air live it cannot affect her overall delivery. She has found that her audience doesn’t mind any mistake as it shows she is also human.

BBC Radio 1 DJ Mollie King Talks About Her Dyslexia And How Nobody Should Let It Hold Back Their Ambitions

Dyslexia is a term for reading disorders relating to problems interpreting words, letters, sounds and symbols.

Key Takeaways:

A person with Dyslexia should not let is stress them out or hold them back from what they want to do.
One of the best things that can be done is just to brush it off and move on.
Dyslexics have a really hard time reading.

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