In this video, Ricky Jones, a TSSA organizer and a dyslexic and dyscalculic, shares his experience of how he dealt with his learning disabilities. According to him, during the late 60's, dyslexia was not recognized so those who suffer from it are often labeled as lazy or put in a special need classes. 

Pushed into Special Education Classes

Dyslexics were, and often still are put into special education classes. They were grouped in with those with low intelligence even though they may have been very high intelligence. This made life very difficult and diminished self-esteem

Finding out I had dyslexia was very emotional

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexics are often told they are lazy
Short term memory is often better with dyslexics
Loing term memory can be worse with dyslexics

Dyslexia - Ricky's story

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