Bright. Young. Rini Tan is your average Singaporean and does what everyone her age does. Except: she is dyslexic. Diagnosed at a young age, Tan's parents discovered that she could not even spell her own name. Like many dyslexics, she struggled with reading, math, following road directions, and general slowness in understanding concepts. 

As this video shows, life in competitive Singapore proved to be a major hurdle for her. Tan encouraged her parents to let her join other activities outside of academics, which helped her overall growth. She managed to embrace her dyslexia, and the strengths and weaknesses that come from it, and with the support of her parents she overcame the obstacles. She encourages parents and educators to play an active part of their dyslexic children's lives.

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Thank you so much parents for coming because your presence bring here, actually it tells volumes of your dedication, your love and your acceptance towards your children and their condition because we are not hopeless, there's nothing wrong with us we just need to see it from a different point of view.

Key Takeaways:

Rini Tan was diagnosed with dyslexia when she was in primary school and couldn't spell her own name.
She encouraged parents to let their dyslexic child to join other activities, focusing on things other than their academics.
The acceptance and support of parents for their dyslexic child is a big step in the improvement and success of their child.

Personal Stories: Rini Tan at Embrace Dyslexia (Singapore)

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