Do you think there is no career future for your child with dyslexia? Think again! This interview with billionaire founder of Virgin Group Richard Branson sheds light on this condition, which he has and is frequently misunderstood. Through candid and humorous anecdotes, he discusses how dyslexia influenced his life.

Branson dropped out of school at 15, but that did not stop him from becoming a billionaire entrepreneur. Knowing he had leadership skills based on his sports experience, he went on to found one of the most recognizable and respected brands in the world today. Even in managing a large company in Europe, he had a hard time distinguishing between gross and net income of his companies. It goes to show that anything is possible, even with dyslexia.

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I think I'm a bit of maverick and I was fortunately good at sports so at least I have something to excel at school.

Key Takeaways:

Richard Branson quit school when he was 15 years old due to difficulty in learning as dyslexic.
Even in managing a large company in Europe, he candidly shared that he had hard time distinguishing between gross and net income of his companies.
He excelled in sports during his school days which also showed his natural leadership skills.

Richard Branson speaks about success and his battle with dyslexia

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