Senator Sean Wiley is providing a stance in Pennsylvania courts outlining that October will be Dyslexia month in 2016. A strong position is taken in the support and attitude towards the issue. This information is catering to everybody and is helpful in breaking down barriers and opening up doors that can be closed due to misunderstanding and ignorance.
Senator Wiley gives a strong objective standpoint about the difficulties people with dyslexia face and the challenges that they encounter daily. Provided is a good grounding to help better understand the condition and a solid endorsement of what needs to be achieved and what canbe achieved. There is room to help people recover and be a valid part of the community again with good understanding.
Author Dyslexia often goes undiagnosed for years and sometimes is not formally recognized until adulthood where it can be impactful, impact job performance, and also life skills.

Key Takeaways:

Senator Wiley spreads awareness of Dyslexia.
He reinforced that many students struggle and are not recognized.
Dyslexia can have detrimental impact on a student’s education.

Senator Wiley: October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

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