According to Dyslexia Action, the amount of kids wanting to read books outside of the classroom on their own free time is increasing. The increase percentage of kids choosing to read has increased by more than twenty eight percent in the last two years, but what about those with difficulties reading or accessing books?

The article talks about dyslexia action, a program that’s goal is to help dyslexic students learn to enjoy recreational reading. It talks about how successful the program is and the recommended reading they’ve provided.

It would be a great thing to support the children that would rather read instead of watching television. Dyslexia Action and these children need your support to help those with difficulty reading or those with issues that don’t have access to books. Please, spend just a few moments to look into how you can help support these children that so desperately need your assistance.
However, Dyslexia Action remains concerned about the 1 in 10 children with dyslexia who struggle to read because of the difficulties they face decoding or remembering words which stems from a difficulty in processing the sounds in words. Interestingly, the Trust research found 10.0% of young people said they do not enjoy reading at all and 35.5% only enjoy reading a bit.
~Dyslexia Action

Key Takeaways:

More children reading for pleasure.
Concerns about children’s access to literature.
Dive In Book Guide helps parents find books for reluctant readers.

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