James had difficulties with dyslexia and autism, in addition to behavioral problems. At the age of eight, he did not know or understand the alphabet, and could barely write his own name properly. He did not recognize letters or comprehend what they meant. However, after participating in the Davis program, James has made incredible changes.

I worked with an eleven year old boy who was ALEXIC (completely illiterate), ADHD, and autistic. He had gone through every intervention the parents could find (and finance) but no-one could teach him to read much more than his name – not even his mother – who is a brilliant teacher.

After a ten-day program, James now knows and understands the alphabet – forward, backward, and each letter independently. He’s reading Charlotte’s Web, and has also begun to write his own stories. James’ family appreciates this change, and also notes that it is a secondary gift compared to the shift in his behavior. James is no longer a troublesome child, but instead is a joy to spend time with. He makes regular contact with family members and communicates effectively with them.
I worked with an eleven year old boy who was ALEXIC (completely illiterate), ADHD, and autistic. He had gone through every intervention the parents could find (and finance) but no-one could teach him to read much more than his name – not even his mother – who is a brilliant teacher.
~Axel Gudmundsson

Key Takeaways:

Axel Gudmundsson worked with a boy who was complete illiterate and had autism and ADHD.
By the third day working with her, using the Davis method, he had mastered the alphabet and could finally read street signs.
Now he is reading books, writing his own stories and communicating with family via online apps.

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