Right brain dominance is a strength. You just need to learn to work with that strength.
Sometimes you just have to get that right brain something to do to get it out of the way.

For a lot of people homework time is the pits.
For some it is an epic battle.
How would you like another simple tip that might help. I won’t guarantee this one but it’s definitely something worth trying.
Anything to win the battle right?
I call this problem “Anything but homework syndrome”
Because kids will do anything but homework
They’ll procrastinate. They’ll throw tantrums. They’ll get upset and cry. They’ll drop pencils. They’ll forget their homework at school. They’ll have to go to the bathroom over and over. They’ll act cute to distract you. Just about anything but homework.
You end up spending hours for something that should take 20-30 minutes or so. It’s a whole lot of wasted time. That doesn’t do anyone any good. It cuts into everyone’s time. It causes relationship problems.
It’s just horrible.
Now, of course they are doing this because they are in pain. They are having emotional issues around homework. But we’ll cover that later. Let’s get to a quick solution that might help a little.
What is it?
It’s simple. Play some music.
When kids are right brain dominant, and most kids with learning difficulties are, it can be helpful to use techniques to occupy the right brain. To do that you give it things it likes. And the right brain likes music.
Now that may be an oversimplified explanation of neuroscience. But who cares. For a lot of people it works. And we’re about what works.
So a couple things to think about.
Different kinds of music work for different people. So experiment.
Yes, some people may excel to Bach and others may get good grades to AC/DC. There’s no telling. So play with this a bit.
One thing that I have noticed is that two conditions seem to work best.
Use music that the student likes
Use music that is extremely familiar. You may even consider putting the same song on repeat.
What I see as typically most effective is if the student is just barely conscious of the music. Not totally “into it” but it’s just kind of there, lightly in the conscious awareness.
Some people have even used metronomes. There’s an entire therapy based upon metronomes. I’m not sure if that is the end all of therapies, but certainly worth a try.
A few things seem to be at play here.
Music can lift the mood
The beat may supply a little stimulus to keep the right brain busy
There may even be something to the research done around metronome therapy
Who knows. But I’ve seen it work for many, it’s super easy, so it’s definitely worth seeing if it works for you.
Just remember, pick something that will mostly fade into the background for you.
Now this is a great trick. I would definitely try it out.
But it’s not the whole solution.
If your child is doing too much homework and what they really need to be doing is building up the fundamentals, then you’ll still have a battle on your hands.
Children who struggle in learning need to step back and build up the basics.
They need exercises that will build their self confidence.
They need body exercises like this one to get their brain into high gear.
That’s why the Learning Success System is designed the way it is. It has all of that.
If you are having homework battles. If your child fights you, procrastinates, has the “anything but homework syndrome” then grab your copy of the learning success system.
Click on the link at the end of this video
Key Takeaways:
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