It's not easy making a decision specially if it involves the common-core tests. Two federal financed consortia are on a disagreement of whether to allow "Read Aloud" or not during the tests. The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers chose to give permission to text passages to students that can be read to students but there is a notation on score reports saying no claims can be made regarding the student's foundational reading skills. But Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium did not want the read-aloud accommodation for students in grades 3-5 because according to them it would invalidate the language constructs being measured.

Are we helping our children or holding them back? Where do we draw the line so that they may become successful adults?

It's because they've done a terrible job of providing those kids with high-quality reading instruction."

Key Takeaways:

Faced with the decision of whether to allow students with dyslexia and other print disabilities the option of having text passages on the common-core tests read aloud to them, the two federally financ
Richard Allington, a professor of education at the University of Tennessee and one of the country's most recognized experts on early literacy, calls the accommodation "cheating."
"There's been a lot of conjecture and anecdotes about evidence that states overuse read-aloud. I don't know why we would let that dominate our conversation going forward," Ms. Jones said. "Why can't w

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