This year Shaylee, a 7-year old girl, uses ASL Nook to tell the story of the Polar Express. In the past, she has used ASL to tell the stories of T’was the Night Before Christmas, Rudolph, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. While ASL is quite different from verbal language, it almost mirrors the timeline of natural language acquisition for children. By age 4, Shaylee demonstrated comfort with specific grammatical concepts. By ages 5 and 6, she was able to navigate the expression of character perspective and understand the voice of the narrator.
With Shaylee’s latest performance of The Polar Express, she exhibits an even more impressive mastery of complex storytelling with her use of eye blinks, body movements, and the cadence of her signs. Because of the common vocabulary that these Christmas stories share, it’s easy to compare Shaylee’s storytelling progress over the past three years.
Prosody refers to rhythm and voice intonation in spoken language. For sign, there is no vocal intonation, but there are prosodic features like blinks, eye gaze, body shifts, and the tension and speed of signs.
~Gretchen McCulloch

Key Takeaways:

7 year old Shaylee tells the story of the Polar Express over at ASL Nook
Though ASL is in many ways different from spoken language, when it comes to the timeline of natural childhood language acquisition, it is almost exactly the same.
For sign, there is no vocal intonation

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