Patience When Parenting
If a child is refusing to do homework, then a parent needs to stay calm. If they do not, then it will escalate the feelings in the child and they will not wanna do it. Older siblings or neighbors can sometimes be better for kids who wanna learn. There needs to be a block of time that is set apart for kids to specifically focus on homework. The parent needs to sit with their child and make a plan. Read more about how a parent's emotions can affect a child at
As a mother of two, I am also very familiar with working with children who struggle with homework.

Key Takeaways:

Getting kids to complete homework can be a very tough task for parents.
Staying calm is the first step to helping your kids finish their homework.
It is important to be positive and encouraging to your kids throughout the homework time.

No More Homework Battles with Dr Stacy Ness

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