I would say that accommodations would be best for students that may need them. However, modifying a person’s expectations would be for a long time the expectation of that student to adulthood. Look at the facts, you provide an environment where they are expected to do less, wouldn’t that breed the expectation to do less than their peers.

Suggestions for helping children with dyslexia perform better in school, specifically changing their accommodations or making modifications to their learning environment.

I wouldn’t want to work with the student who is expected to do half the work that I am doing. I wouldn’t want a doctor who is expected to do less than his peers operating on me. We should hold the student to the same expectations but perhaps make a different outline such as due dates or more tutoring.

Key Takeaways:

Accommodation or Modification Service is a service offered for children who are having difficulties in school.
Accommodation changes how the student learns. The student will learn the same material as his or her peers with some assistance and receive extra time to complete tests.
Modification changes what the student learns. This is for students who need a change in the curriculum as well as a change in the way the test.
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