Many kids can learn as much as 40 to 50 new words each week, which are about 2000 to 4000 new words per year. Many kids, however, have a difficulty with learning that makes it much harder to be able to read, write and use their memory processing. Researchers have found many helpful methods to help the struggling kids.

Kids learn more words when they read more often.

Audio books are recommended for kids who have difficulty learning, as they expand the child’s vocabulary. Asking the child to repeat and write the words can also help them to remember it. Using Key Word method is an essential method to help the child to memorize definitions of words.
With these learning challenges in mind, teachers and parents will need to provide a range of experiences with new vocabulary so that students with learning disabilities can learn just as many new words as their peers in meaningful ways.

Key Takeaways:

Students with learning difficulties learn less words and have a harder time reading due to struggles they face while learning to read.
It takes 12 encounters of a word to learn it well enough to be able to comprehend it while reading. Students with learning difficulties will require ongoing exposure to the word and consistent use of the word to retain the meaning of it.
Using Mnemonics or Key Word Strategies are both important learning strategies to assist students in memorizing the definitions of words.
Would you like a simple approach to overcoming a reading difficulty? Learn how to overcome a reading struggle by clicking here

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