The article is an outline about Autism awareness. It is showing how autism is being re-evaluated in the Amarillo, Texas region. The article shows many of the symptoms of autism, outlining how it challenges individual’s abilities to function on a day to day basis. This is outlined and supported by several experts in the field.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, is a developmental disability which manifests in various social, communication and behavioral challenges.

The autism spectrum includes a lot of symptoms.

Karen Day, a specialist and expert in the area of spectrum disorders, is quoted in the article. She outlines spectrum disorders, including autism. She then goes into detail about the development of the diagnosis of autism and the evolution of identification, diagnosis, treatment and awareness of the disability. It also goes into how evolution has also led to more publicity for the disorder itself.

Key Takeaways:

Autism awareness efforts are being made in the Amarillo area.
There are many types of autism.
Individuals with autism can be highly gifted.

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