Parents who have children on the autism spectrum may have long avoided the loud pizza chain Chuck E. Cheese, but that is changing. In an effort to reach out to children who are specifically sensitive to very loud noises, blinking lights, and large crowds, the company has adopted a new program called Sensory Sensitive Sundays.

Loud restaurants over stimulate children with Sensory struggles.

Across the United States, Chuck E. Cheese restaurants are now opening two hours early every first Sunday of each month. During that time, the pizza place features soft lighting, and they do not play any music. Many parents of sensory sensitive children, like Michelle Mandalone, are incredibly grateful for the new program, stating their child will no longer have to wear headphones to drown out the noise and chaos when they visit.

Key Takeaways:

Chuck E. Cheese is making their restaurants more inclusive for kids with autism.
Sensitivity to noise and large loud crowds can cause meltdowns for kids with autism.
A new program for kids with autism has been successful and may expand in the future.

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