Franco Astolfi, who is eight years old and from the Finham area of Coventry, has severe autism. Because of this, he can bang his head against the wall up to 700 times a day. While he wears a helmet during the day to prevent harm from this, he has no protection at night.

Fundraiser attempts to buy a safe bed for an autistic child.

Coventry citizens are encouraged to participate in a fundraiser held by the Newlife Foundation for a special bed for Franco, which will help keep him from harming himself. The bed, which costs £6,575, has sensory equipment inside and high walls, and will hopefully keep him interested and help him fall asleep safely. Having the bed will help all members of Franco’s family sleep better at night.

Key Takeaways:

Eight-year-old Franco Astolfi has severe autism, which can cause him to bang his head up to 700 times a day.
He wears a helmet during the day to protect him from injury but needs a special bed to protect him at night, which has high, flexible sides and sensory equipment inside to help Franco fall asleep safely.
The Newlife Foundation has launched a fundraiser to help his parents afford the special bed for their son.

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